Sunday 11th June, 2017.

Night Scented Stock in the allotment garden of Nowhere in particular

Summer evenings in ‘the allotment garden of Nowhere in particular’ sometimes see a peculiar dappled shade cast over the lower end of the site. The sun sets and dips to the west, over the Lea reservoirs nearby; the light is cooled and filtered by the evening chorus of trees and birds – a surround sound of swaying branches and shrill notes that ebb to melodic chants, whispers and reflections calling for calm and a settling down. 
A gardener might, for a moment, forget what has not been done on the never-ending list, the quest for control, and so submit to the charms of a garden in-between.
I wonder if I found the garden in-between the senses – a no-sense (?), a non-sense (?), an un-sense (?) of sights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells immersed in a peculiar moment? Perhaps it was a fragrance that enhanced and enabled the nonsense most of all; that made a charming moment of the garden? I was adrift on currents of scent, the perfumes of ‘Night Scented Stock’ in particular. While meandering between the raised beds, the island communities of plants, the spaces between them dissolving and diffusing, I felt at peace with my different and often conflicting senses of the place.
To enjoy the fragrant charm was to relinquish any notion of control by those senses that dominate by drawing on ignorance, prejudice, habit, ritual and routine. It was the best note on which to leave ‘the allotment garden of Nowhere in particular’ to itself.

A6a - sweetcorn, trail of tears beans, dwarf french beans, hollyhock,
night scented stock and buckwheat.
