Sunday 7th May, 2017.

Broad Bean -'Bunyard's Exhibition' - May 6th 2017.

Bunyard's Exhibition in the allotment garden of Nowhere in particular

Pods have started forming on the broad bean plants and, in anticipation of a potential deluge of blackfly, we have harvested the tender and very tasty growing tips. We hope these plants will continue to stand tall and as fine right through to the main harvest of the beans. 

21st October 2016 - preparation of A1c for a partial sowing of broad beans 
and green manuring of phacelia and grazing rye.

19th November 2016 - broad beans emerging.

2nd May 2016 - newly formed broad bean pods.

6th May 2016 - A1c - Plot A - the allotment garden of Nowhere in particular.
