Sunday 9th June, 2013.

Ashmead's Kernel 

D'Arcy Spice 


Glow Red Williams (pear) 

Irish Beauty 

 Kidds Orange Red


Merton Joy 

Rev' Wilks

The allotment gardener of Nowhere and particular and I have been wondering about how these studies of apples (and other fruits) will appear on the screens of various devices around the world. What will become of the subtle blush of the Rev' Wilks as it makes it's way into the blogosphere? Interestingly, Blogger's US spell check does not accept 'blogosphere' and the correction it suggests is 'biosphere'. I tried a compromise in the word, 'biogosphere'. I see a lack of focus and purposeful direction or application in the field research. The word 'facile', encountered during a reading of Richard Mabeys, 'Nature Cure' (Commonplaces), pricked our conscience like the worcesterberry thorns pricked and pierced us as we crawled about the forest garden taking snaps. Our flesh is scratched with squiggly red lines bearing a remarkable similarity to the spell check signs. 'Biogosphere' brought a particularly deep scratch. I am a lesser mortal making an effort to bring something more than a superficial account of the complexities of the allotment and forest garden sites. What are we doing here; presenting, re-presenting? What are these pictures and texts emanating out of? Mabey appreciates John Clare as 'a representative, a steward in a political sense'; do our 'snaps' perform a similar role?

found document

We found this document folded up in a pocket of a coat returning to nature in the increasingly unsheltering (ouch! Another scratch!) shed. We hesitated before committing what may be an archaeological faux (**!!***) pas by unfolding it, scanning it, and publishing it. The document is featured as a way of trying to put the snaps in a more purposeful and informed context.
