Saturday 2nd March, 2013.

The allotment gardener of Nowhere in particular has travelled far and wide recently and in so doing has enjoyed much of the finest life can offer, not least the warmth and generosity of friends and family. We have been trying to prise open the tiny black box of his hive mind to find out more about his journeys beyond the forest, marsh and valley of hereabout. His return home was a comfortable experience, generally without incident, but for a brief flight of fancy when he imagined himself to be a bee and attempted to forage from a flower that turned out not to be a flower. The allotment gardener may have plunged headlong into an ornamental moulding of a flower on the threshold of home. What an 'idyssey'. This is the theory subject to a painstaking process of deciphering his vertiginously unreliable memory. Meanwhile, the gardener of Nowhere finds himself back in E17 with his fat batteries recharged and so raring to go underground with a medley of seeds for the new growing season. 

The seeds have been saved and sourced via provenance local and not so local and our awareness of issues about seeds was increased last night at an event organised by the Community Food Growers Network, at the Hornbeam Environment Centre and Forest Recycling Project. "Freeing Seeds From Corporate Control" was a seed swap and a discussion led by Patrick Mulvany (UK Food Group) and Ru Litherland (Organiclea) on the corporatization of seed. 

He confesses to not taking any seeds to swap and also to taking some seeds from an assortment remaining at the end of the evening. In his defence, there were complex circumstances concerning ownership of and communication about 'our' seed medley that made him hesitate in sorting some of 'our' seeds for swapping. He hopes to remedy or redeem this stinginess in various ways. 

Below is a map/plan and a collection of images of the allotment where most of the seeds will be cultivated and some of their progeny harvested and saved for sharing. The photographs were taken on 21st February and we may present a similar post in March/April (and monthly thereon) showing the progress of the seeds. 

Allotment Map - February 2013
pencil and felt tip

 Bed 1

 Bed 10

 Artichoke Bed

 Bed 11

 Bed 1a - Blackberries

 Bed 2

 Bed 3

 Bed 4

 Bed 5

 Bed 6

 Bed 7

 Bed 8

 Bed 9

 Compost Bays

 Liquid Feed Bins
 Leaf Mould

 Dead Hedge

 Plot A - Middle
 Plot B - Middle

 Plum Tree
 Wild Flower Area


Raspberry Patch

A full list of seeds to follow............................
